Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A First...

For once in my life, I am writing a happy blog. Ok well maybe happy, which implies issue-free, isn't the word really. Atleast a non-depressive kind of deal. Summer is coming to an end and I can already smell the Nashville air. Ok, so it kind of helps that I was just there 3 days ago; beside the point. My parents are in overdrive in the bonding area and during the day I often feel smothered, but I'm coping. I can somewhat understand their viewpoint, but freaking out if I make plans with friends is a bit excessive I feel. But alas...I know for sure that Belmont is where God wants me for now. As moving day approaches I pray that I haven't done anything to screw that up. It is up to me to focus on my grades and to have a good time making memories with my friends while conserving as much money as possible. Relationships are falling into place, places that I feel secure in leaving them in. That is usually what bothers me most, following through with all the "I promise to"'s by the end of the summer, and getting in one last day with everyone. Is it bad that once I get to Nashville those things don't usually bother me? I don't feel guilty for being there and not here. Some people have attempted to make me feel bad for that, but thus far I have resisted and I feel like that is an acceptable response. Before I start rambling I'm going to go. The coming days may test my patience, but I will prevail.