Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As the Crow Flies

In forty minutes I must head out the door to my Tuesday night ritual of my evolution vs creationism class. The class itself is pretty interesting. The most upsetting part is the three hour duration. Not to mention my professor signs every email with "have a productive weekend." Not a safe or restful or even just good weekend, but productive. It's just not right I tell you. Beyond that, life is good. The past couple days I have been thinking a lot about this summer. A week from tonight I will take the midterm for that class. I'm not excited about the test, but the midterm means I am halfway done with my last semester here. Here in the place where there is always snow, mud, and annoying people. Ok, maybe not always, but this semester got off to a pretty rough start. I actually like to jog along the path near my apartment. I didn't do it much when it was warm and now I wish I could. Call me crazy, but I'm not into staying outside voluntarily when it is -8. God opened a huge door and lifted a heavy burden last week. I finally got the annuity settled from my dad's death. Until I turn 22 I will have a little source of income outside student loans. The most immediate effect of this was filling up my gas tank completely and not stopping at $10. An overall result is my recent investment in a treadmill. I have been living by myself for six months now. I'm still trying to learn how. My grocery list is a little more consistent. My days are a little more organized. For a while I was on a fairly good exercise spree. The groceries I buy are in a somewhat healthy range. I've interviewed for jobs, although I've yet to get a call back. Considering the economy, I won't take that as a personal rejection. Haha. Basically, I can feel my life organizing. It's a very comforting feeling. I have an idea of where I am going, but no specifics and I like that.
Unfortunately...education calls.

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