Thursday, March 18, 2010


To say I am looking for myself and the direction I want my life to take is too cliche. Everyone seems to be "finding themselves" in college or at the end of high school. I constantly battle for balance of my hopes, dreams, and goals. Occasionally, I find that I get too worried about missing something and I miss everything. Today I am making a decision. To some it may not seem like much, but to me it will prove to be a big deal. I don't necessarily have a bucket list. I have an idea of things I'd like to do before I miss the chance. I want to drive cross country, from NC to California, from New York City to New Orleans. You can't take three weeks off for a random road trip when you are employed full time. I don't know why, but employers seem to frown on that. I want to go to Australia and London and Paris (during fashion week would be amazing). I want to live in downtown Nashville. That goal looks to be crossed off the list this summer and the next few years. Of course, I do want to get married and have a family, but I'm realizing I don't want that now. I don't want to find myself at 40, with one kid on each arm and one attached to each leg, having accomplished none of my goals. The awesome thing about this is that God knows. He already sees my life as it will be. He's just waiting on me to make up my mind.
On to today's decision. I want to pursue writing. I want to write more than my blog, more than the research papers for class, more than an entry every so often in my journal. I want to write as my job, or at least one of them. I already write for suite101. I really enjoy it, but it isn't something I'm making money from. I take that back. I have earned a quarter. I'm a good writer. (My blog may not always demonstrate this, but the blog is an emotional out.) I want to have things published. I love finding new, unknown bands. I want to write CD reviews. I am not ashamed to say that I am a fan of writing a nice girl power anthem now and again. I have written several short stories. I want to write more. Writing is taking its place as a major part of who I am. Now is my chance to get better at it and to see just what I can do. So with Writer's Digest at my side, I pick up my pen and begin.

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