Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thank God, I'm Free At Last

The title may be a slight exaggeration, but not by much. This time last year I had to make a choice. I could go back to Belmont and trust that my mom and family would be okay without me and I without them. I could stay close to home and pick a career I knew for sure I could do and that would come easily. I chose the latter. Wrong. God was and is capable of handling things without me there to keep an eye on them. He has equipped me with everything I need to go wherever He wants me to go.
A year later I'm sitting in the cutest apartment I've ever seen on West End, living with Kindall! The best part is that I'm finally where I'm meant to be. For ASU, nothing came together easily. I had a hard time finding somewhere to live, getting moved, getting registered, and the biggest issue was financial aid. Everything fell into place for Belmont. I'm waiting for the job to fall into place as well. But for now I have what I need to live. The truth is I don't know exactly where I'm going, but I like it this way. God is asking me to trust Him COMPLETELY. So here I am Lord. Show me what, where, when, how...

I have to confess that I'd like to meet him. Whoever it is that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I may have already. Who knows? But thats another security blanket and I don't need it. God knows the desires of my heart. I get the easy part...sit back and enjoy the ride.

Also, Chi-Chi, I am happy to report, has accepted her new home. Now if I could just teach her not to hiss at the guests or the roomie...

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