Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Daddy

This time last year my Daddy was here. This time last month my Daddy was here. In fact, he was worried about me because I was depressed. When it happened I would have told you that having your parents have to come get you from college is one of the worst things ever. But today I know it is the best thing that could have happened. Not only did I get one last road trip with my Daddy, I got to spend over a month with him that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Because God allowed me to have this depression I got to see my Daddy the night before he died. I got one last hug and I got to tell him goodnight one last time. I got to be here for my mom before anyone else could get here. There are no more family vacations to be had. There are no more Daddy daughter late night Wal-Mart runs. My Daddy won't be there at my wedding. That keeps flashing through my mind. Daddy could fix anything. Daddy could do, would do anything for anyone. He and my Mom drove all night to come get me from school. I can't just call him "dad". He was Daddy. I had already decided I would call him Daddy for the rest of my life. I would not graduate so to speak to "dad". He IS my Daddy. You don't say you are a "dad's girl" you say "daddy's girl". That is what I am. I don't know why God took my Daddy so soon. I miss my Daddy. I want my Daddy to give me a hug. I want to sit on his lap. The Daddy I saw laying on the bathroom floor was not my Daddy. My Daddy was in heaven dancing with Jesus.

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