Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Will Find Me

As I was getting ready for bed I started thinking about God choosing to come to Earth as a man. My mom and I were just saying how tired we were from cooking. And, let's be honest from family (they can wear you out!). God stepped into this. He stepped into pain and disappointment. He stepped into stress and panic. He descended into a world of temptation and chaos. All for me. All for us. I know I complain all the time about being tired or about traffic. About my pants not fitting right. About my latte being wrong. In the last 18 months I have found myself thinking, "why am I here? why this town? why couldn't you drop me in plantation days?" The truth is I didn't have a choice. God saw what was best and what he wanted my life to be and he set it up for me. He set me up for success. Everything he knew that I would face in life, he also knew that Jesus would face. Yet, Jesus came. My savior came and slept on hay, calmed storms, obeyed his parents, faced temptation, died, and rose again. I've heard Mark Lowry talk about what it must have been like raising Jesus. For instance if he didn't shut a door, "were you born in a barn?" Jesus Christ has been there, done that, got the scars. And thank you Lord for saving my life.

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