Sunday, January 18, 2009

Patience is a Virtue...dang it

Waiting drives me crazy. Having to sit around waiting for things to happen that are beyond my control is especially hard. I went to a special youth event at church tonight. As all the girls were sitting around talking about all things love and romance I felt God tugging at my heart. I have a nasty habit of trying to produce my own reality show. After so long, sitting at home or carting around grandmas gets old. So why not throw in a love connection. I'm not saying that I didn't really like the guys I have been interested in recently, but I do try too hard to make something out of nothing. What do I have? Friendship. What did I call it? Romance/Love/What have you. The outside world would never believe this coming from a nineteen year old, but the past three months of doing nothing with my life have been incredibly educational. I've never had more time to think about what I would like to accomplish in life. None of the decisions I have made recently have been forced by time constraints. Heck, I just applied for the summer semester in mid-January. Given, this allows plenty of time to worry that maybe Belmont won't want me back, but I'm trying to have patience.
On another more random note, I'm trying to lose 20 pounds, exercise, and eat better. This takes just as much patience as waiting for prince charming, but more effort on my part. So far, so good. My thinking is that if I establish better habits now it will be second nature come Nashville time when I'm buying my own groceries again...We shall see.


Kindall said...

20 pounds? Just stay healthy for me. Although if you want to bring some of those eating habits to our apartment I won't protest. I also won't suggest buying cookie dough again. :)

Love you. Miss you.

Kristen said...

I feel like at some point during our time together there will be cookie dough...but hopefully we will both learn moderation lol. And don't worry 20 pounds would put me back where I was when you met me. Depression isn't good for weight control. lol.