I have known for some time that I am physically capable of speaking what is on my mind. A more recent development is the action of actually doing it. I am currently discussing, unashamedly, my differing opinion on my facebook wall for all to see. Not only that, but the conversation is between me and a guy from church that my dad worked with in Rangers. AND it is concerning one of my dad's all time favorite people, Rush Limbaugh. Rush made a comment to a caller on his radio show about Americans already helping Haiti involuntarily through income tax. Is this really the time to argue over taxes? Do I think the government is quickly reaching an unsafe level of power and say in our lives? Sure. Am I going to use this disaster as a platform to demonstrate that? Heck no. Don't even get me started on Pat Robertson. If ever there was a deterrent to the Christian religion it is this man. I believe the Bible is 100% true. The Bible clearly records God destroying cities for their disobedience. The flood, a natural disaster, purged the Earth of evil doers. One could also point out that these events occurred in the Old Testament before Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to give us forgiveness. I don't think it is our place to judge which people should be swiped from the face of the Earth or suffer for their misdeeds. I can nearly guarantee America is number 1 in many crimes and addictions. Robertson also made a similar comment after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Wouldn't Las Vegas go before the coast of Louisiana?
I have lived through three horrific events which I can clearly recall. I was in seventh grade, Ms. Knox's science class, when the first plane hit the WTC. I can still see the teacher walking in the door and whispering the news to Ms. Knox. Most of all, I remember her saying they had been instructed not to tell students, but we "[needed] to know." I remember the devastating pictures streaming from New Orleans and in even recent months video of mobile homes still occupied by Katrina's victims. This week I am watching terrifying events unfold across an ocean. Haiti is not the other side of the world, but it's not my backyard. Still, there are children, wounded and orphaned, sleeping on the streets. People are becoming frustrated in their frantic search for survival necessities. What sticks out most to me at this moment are the thousands of volunteers rushing to the aid of strangers. Although we are constantly bickering economically with China, US soldiers and relief workers are working side by side among Chinese teams.
For Christians, this is an opportunity to show the LOVE of God, not the anger. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive and comfort. I don't feel comfortable saying ANYthing about who should be/was an object of God's wrath. I have sinned multiple times today, but I'm still sitting here on my bed, in my home, in a free country. God is not in this business for revenge. "Vengeance is the Lord's." The dictionary adds an important phrase to the definition of revenge. It makes a point to include the presence of a "vindictive spirit" and also adds "to gain satisfaction." I personally believe, and I am NO Biblical scholar, that the End of Days will be God's vengeance. An article on gotquestions.org, a Christian based research tool, notes this:
The fifth seal judgment of Revelation 6:9-11 describes the souls of those martyred during the Tribulation “because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained.” They will correctly interpret what they see going on around them during the Tribulation, calling on people to repent and believe the Gospel. The Antichrist and his followers will not tolerate this and will kill them. These are people who must have been alive before the Rapture, but who were not believers until afterward. Therefore, there will be opportunity to come to Christ after the Rapture.
I have to believe that these events I've seen are results of the imperfect world we live in. We all suffer when there is a world crisis. Every person on this planet makes up humanity. When there is a great loss of life it is a fatal wound to that humanity. It brings humility because the outsiders are just as susceptible as the victims. If America became the helpless and Haiti the strong would we not prefer there help in time of need over their judgement? Treat your neighbor as yourself. It's the first thing you learn no matter your background. In school we are rebuked for calling names or hitting. Why should a six year old listen to a teacher telling them to stop? Because they wouldn't enjoy the tables being turned. I have a problem with those that think they have reached the highest heights. None of us are perfect. None of us are protected from temptation no matter the sin. We are not immune to societal pressure just because my friends and I believe in Jesus and long to be like him.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
In the past few months I have become keenly aware of my need for God, but also how quickly people are to judge. My failures resulted in the loss of relationships I thought were strong. Others have put themselves above me. I want God to change me. I want Him to be constantly at work in my life. If I am busy correcting others' mistakes I will undoubtedly miss the plank in my own eye.
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